On a lighter note, i saw Lisa Mitchell last-night, and as im writing this my family is playing Whitney's "i wanna dance with somebody" at about 1000 decibels, anyway the gig was insanly mellow! I never broke a sweat and i cried when she sung like 2 of my favorite songs. So if by some chance Lisa reads this? Well i love you and you did great. And ive been talking to my friends from some band you might know, and we have come to an agreement that 1) we both love Prince, except she loves him way more and 2) Invisible Mom 2 is the best movie ever made by a Z-Grade film company, seriously you guys the cover has like 3 names on it and those people aren't even in the movie.... why?
Anyway, hope your having a good night.....i am. If you want to go on msn and webcam with me? add me! justjoshing_haha@hotmail.com
Love you all :) x
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