So i ask myself this question SO SO SO much at the moment: "WHY ME!?"
and i know you guys are thinking OTMG WTF? i know right? well actually i really do ask myself this question. "Why do i go to such a ignorant and racist school?" "Why do people in my grade insist on making fun of me behind my back?" LIKE FOR FUCKS SAKE I KNOW YOU GUYS TALK ABOUT ME. I MAYBE FAT BUT IM NOT A RETARD. FUCK!!!
I just really cant stand people at the moment, now im guessing by now you guys are thinking that im just some whiney teen who just craps on about shit. Well im not gonna lie, i am but hey im venting so better out the in i guess. AND if you say shit about this blog, then dont read it! obviously you like this blog if you keep coming back.
This is taking forever. Back to the point. so i ask myself "WHY ME!?" simply and purely because, well im a catholic and i was always taught like God had plans for everyone and he chooses who goes next and all that, but what i don't get is why on earth does he make shit things happen to such good people.
E.G. children dying in third world countries, disasters happening in the USA and ASIA, terrorists existence in general. Like really, i love God and all but if he really loved us then he wouldn't let it happen to us.
Don't worry i wont go all churchy on you guys...YET! (joking...totally joking) but i'm just thinking about these issues while im drinking tea and talking to my friend on the phone.
Just thing before you act and Question before you jump to the wrong answer.
Thats all for now bitches
xx, Confesh.
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