Monday, December 21, 2009

What I think the top 10 should be

1. Michael Jackson died
2. Brittany Murphy Died
3. Lady GaGa
4. Twitter
5. Facebook
6. People freaking about 2012
7. Paranormal activity
8. Hiptop server crashed causing everyone to panic
9. Perez Hilton got punched in the face
10. Britney spears lipsynching

It's a rough copy but somethings are going to stay

X, confeshhhhhhhh

1 replies:

RaknoS said...

I don't think 2 should be there honestly, you only think it's big new because it just happened but it will honestly be forgotten in about 4 weeks, and besides, it may as well be news of 2010.

and number 10 is old news man. I think "Raknos growing his beard" should take it's place

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