Ok, that was weird. Im going through a POP MUSIC phase in my life, but have no fear guys i will get over it soon enough, and if i dont then well welcome to the new me!
Last night at my work i had a very....i dont really know the word....interesting experience? I was working hard like i always am, i had a guy come up to me. Tall, Blonde and he had a smart arse look on his face. He talked to me, asked how i was but then it clicked that he was making fun of me. There was a guy there that i knew and he is sooooo annoying, like no joke he was horrible at school. So anyway it clicked that he was sent by this person to make me look like shit. i mean i know im attractive, but seriously im sick of fucking shit people that come to my work, see me and talk about me behind my back. Some talk so loud that i can even hear them! Either learn how to whisper or get the fuck out.
Im seriously bored at the moment. Some one should email me :)
xx Confesh.