Monday, August 31, 2009

And I Was Like,

Why you so obsessed with me?
Ok, that was weird. Im going through a POP MUSIC phase in my life, but have no fear guys i will get over it soon enough, and if i dont then well welcome to the new me!

Last night at my work i had a very....i dont really know the word....interesting experience? I was working hard like i always am, i had a guy come up to me. Tall, Blonde and he had a smart arse look on his face. He talked to me, asked how i was but then it clicked that he was making fun of me. There was a guy there that i knew and he is sooooo annoying, like no joke he was horrible at school. So anyway it clicked that he was sent by this person to make me look like shit. i mean i know im attractive, but seriously im sick of fucking shit people that come to my work, see me and talk about me behind my back. Some talk so loud that i can even hear them! Either learn how to whisper or get the fuck out.

Im seriously bored at the moment. Some one should email me :)
xx Confesh.

Ugly Word Of The Day,


I watched a show and that word came up. Made me wanna gag.
:) That word was totally my idea!

X, Confesh!

Attractive Word Of The Day,


Mysterious, yet sophisticated.
Thanks to Daniel for this one :)

X, ConfesH!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Who the hell do you think you are?

I walk around at school with high hopes of being well respected and admired by my peers. Well this will never happen, aside from the fact that my friends and some teachers respect me, im sick and tired of fucking assholes, who by the way are like 5 times younger then me treating me like shit and intimidating me. I know i shouldt be scared but really they just annoy the fuck out of me! they come up to me, tease me about wearing skinny leg jeans and sporting a Country Road bag. Lets get one thing straight before we continue. MANY GUYS USE THESE BAGS, THEY ARE EXPENSIVE AND THEY LOOK GOOD. So just because of this i get labelled gay? Talk about a homophobic society, if i cant wear what i want or even use a unisex bag at school without being called gay, then something musnt be taught at home. So to society i say FUCK YOU for generating a world where kids are more focused on the way there body looks instead of there family, or even school. A society where we rely on technology more then the love of our friends and family. I can only blame TV and those other things for this. now i know everyone will read this and be like, YOU USE TECHNOLOGY ALL THE TIME, well that is true, i spend moretime on Facebook then my homework and today i actually cried cause my Strawberries dies on FarmVille. But i actually communicate with people, i use my brain and i do things i enjoy! i just hate how in this day and age we have people doing the right things or doing what they want to do (i think its called freedom of speech of a reason) and getting shut down for it! its wrong and you would think i would be stopped but no.

SO in conclusion i think that we should respect our elders and just be happy.
thanks bitches,
night :)
xx Confesh.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just A Quick One

Make sure you all Email me if you want to be signed up to the mailing list and email me and tell me your thoughts about me, here is an email i got earlier today:

From: DGee01
Subject: Hey Confesh;
Body: Hey Confesh, i think you could be the Aussie Perez Hilton :)
you stuff is great and i love it :)
From DGee01

Thank DGee01 i try my hardest!
XX Confesh.



I know i was bragging about how its annoying, but hey it is a nice word.
Any suggestions? Email me :)

Ugly Word Of The Day



Now i know that we ALL know the word Glamour. We all use it when we think of like, Next Top Model and Fashion in general, but would you ever think to use it as describing a girl?

Well unfortunatly there are some types of guys that do do that. And along with that comes the girls who allow this to happen? ARE YOU CRAZY?! if someone came up to me (if i was a girl) and said the me "Your sucha GLAMOUR!!" i would be like, "LEARN SOME PROPER FUCKING ENGLISH!" which is true, last time i checked Glamour is not a describing word. infact you should only use it if your name is Fergie, or Tyra Banks. It just annoys me that there are types of people who talk like this, uneducated and not only that but there talking down to women in general which cant be good for anyone!

So in conclusion i hope that anyone who reads this and then goes out in the world and witnesses a GLAMOUR ATTACK then you should go up to them and tell them or rather teach them the proper english. This is my last words to shit people of today: FUCK YOU AND EAT SHIT.

LOVE YOU! Mean it!
xx Confesh.

Recent Events,

Its official! Confesh is a big hit at my school!
thanks to all my followers :) and i will be making a Twitter account for my Confesh blogs so you can keep up to date with it all!
there is a Facebook page that you guys should add as well, but its only for the stupid people who don't have Twitter :)

ALSO! i will be making a few more videos, as i know a few people loved my first and only video entitled "BASS HILL SUBWAY FAIL" so stay tuned for that one comin at ya!

ALSO ALSO ! me and my friend Jazzy will be making some videos called "Big Bilou, Little Jamal", its all about the things that happen with certain types of guys that are really annoying! so i hope you all love it!

Thanks guys! I LOVE YOU ALL! xx

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I Feel Like Fucking Carrie Bradshaw.

I just type away at my computer like a fucking zombie, i mean i do have a life, but at the moment Facebook and Twitter are taking over my social life. I have school work and i dont even bother sometimes, i feel very drained like my eyes are cracked like dirt. and then i go to places like school and work and shit people are still around. like can you please stop breading shit people so i dont have to deal with it?

I go to work to like get away, well not get away but like you know what i mean! anyway, so im at work and then its like i have a tatoo and a sign on my fucking face that says "Hey little annoying shit hid kids! come up and say hello to someone who is really in a shit mood!!!' cause if i do then it would make sio much more sense.

And another thing, wouldnt the world be a much better place if we all listend to our parents? cause believe me there have been so many times when i think to myself.... maybe i should? Just a quick thought i guess.

And working at AMF for so long has made me realise how rude some kids are. Like its as if people and by people i mean parents can bring up there children in a way that they back chat, become smart arses and all that other stuff. Like for god's sake, can you just at least do something right?!?

Sorry for all the commotion guys, just in a shit mood, its the mood where i feel like blogging, so i might call it my Confesh mood :) More to come soon!

Love you! MEAN IT!
xx Confesh.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Im Really Pissed,

People that you think are friends, turn out to be nothing but a myth. Im
really angry that a friend of mine, that I have known since I was 7 has
decided to wreck it all by being all "im 18 and I can do whatever the
fuck I wanna do, my mum is a bitch and I hate her blah blah".

Give me a fucking break. Seriously, suck it up and just do what your
mother says. If she can push you out of her vagina for 28 hours then you
can be reliable and babysit your brother for 2 hours. It just makes me
mad that someone that I was such good friends with, can end up being
ruined by such behaviour. Im fed up with fucking bullshit, not just from
that person but from society in general. Fuck this shit. Really, I know
that im acting all "depressed emo cunt" but fuck you.

Confesh, out!


email me,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My first of a series of letters.

Dear Media and Society in general,
if you read this then you must have found out about one Lady GaGa. She is the fucking best person ever, and how dare you be so rude as to make fun of her. She is respectful of everyone, and i just cant stand how people just make such a big deal over something that is normal for some people. this is just making people who are like GaGa to become even more depressed about it. Just forget about it, i know that this wont happen for a while, but you have to know, this is the reason why celebrities don't tell their secrets, for one, there secrets, and two by seeing all this shit being blown out of proportion they feel more and more depressed and GAH! its just so annoying! 
Look GaGa might be like Miley and have the best of both worlds but thats not really the point. well i'm re blogging this post as the other one stiffed up and my fans couldn't read it.

XX, Confesh.
P.S. Thanks for telling me my last post wasn't working Jamie :)

I don't know what to believe.

Media, Fuck you.
Haters, Fuck you.
Shit people, Fuck you.
World, Fuck you.

you make me think, you amek me believe shit, you make me do things, you influence us. You are brainwashing us. Leave everyone alone and go and die.

Im so angry, i hate things at the moment.

Just a quick hello to my friends, Jamie, Jack, Rachel. thanks for reading my blog. Well at least i hope jack reads it.
XX, Confesh.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Would you rather?

Spend the rest of your life living happy and free or would you rather people crap on about the world ending at different times and constantly thinking "when will i die?"

Thats the sort of questions that i am thinking to my self of late. It seems to me that at the moment we are so obsessed about when the world will end and when we as a person will die. This is really making me feel sick. Im really tired of people always saying to me "the world is gonna end in 2012!!!" well for a start, they said the world would end in 2000 with the Y2K bug and im pretty sure they also said the same thing about global warming and all that improtant stuff, but does anyone listen? NO FUCKING WAY! im so sick to death of people always crapping on about it! if you are that obsessed the kill yourself right now! I DARE YOU! like we have been told about all this as a precaution and im just annoyed that people take things so litterall and that the media blows everything out of proportion, they seem to do it alot and its what makes us get all excited to sit down and watch the News, or read the paper, or read up on blogs about it.

Just really listen to people when they say shut up! im actually going with shit people at the moment. if they say to recycle, then fucking do it! if they say to stop eating shit foods cause the world if fat then do it! and if they say the world will end in 2012 dont listen for gods sake.

Confesh. OUT!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Hey guys im actually making a facebook for Confesh, that mean you will be able to see when i have new updates etc and also i will have a new Confessionista email, so you guys can email me and let me know what you think about my blogs etc. I know i have a few fans already :)
Big shoutout to Jamie and Rachel :) thanks guys for actually reading my blog and also a shoulout to Rose, who is awesome!!
Stay tuned to this space for more Confesh updates :)
xx, Confesh.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Just thinking to myself

Why are there some people that have grudges against us, or even hate us? Like i understand if we have done something like MAYJORLY shitty, but for some reasons its like they hate us for some really fucking STUPID reasons. I rememeber this kid hated me ages ago, all because i had the same name as me? WTF?

Anyway, im just reviewing my life, i might wirte a book or something and i was just going over all the shit things that have happend to me throughout my 16 years on this planet and i was actually really badly hurt by some guys at my other school. Now im not scared to announce the school so i'll just say it... LASALLE CATHOLIC COLLEGE....

Notice how its a catholic school? Should there not be people being made fun of in a CATHOLIC SCHOOL? Where most of the population of the school is Marinite Catholic or Orthodox or some Jesus religion, why the FUCK are they being bullies? What i didnt understand when i was there was the fact that they were all those fucking assholes who wore Rosary beads as a fashion statement and like massive arse crosses around and yet they sitll managed to bash me 3 times, call me names and make all my friends turn against me.

You may be asking, "Ben how did you get back up on top?" well the answer is that it has taken me a restraining order, the police, and AVO and me getting beaten up to get back to the top....and im not even there yet as i still get teased at my new school. I guess the safest bet to make about high schools in general is that no matter what school you go to, Catholic and jesus loving, or public and povo, you still will have the dickheads who get off on making peoples lives shit. If i was older and could afford to get a bodygaurd or a hitman, i would...just letting you know.

IGNORE THEM!!! now i know you must get told this alot, but sometimes it does work. I was told by a wise woman, that bullies love jelly beans, and to think of it as iff you have a massive bucket of jelly beans, and everytime you say stuff back to them they feed of the jelly beans, the more you respond the more they will come back. so CLOSE that lid and forget about them. if that doesnt me and i will come and bring people to help you.

xx, Confesh.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


How people think that they know what the internet is, like not teenagers but like adults.

So im wathcing 30 Rock, and i also realised that i really love Tina Fey.

So long bitchez
xx, Confesh.

O.K. So i never ever understand

Im really sick of shit people, i know this is like the 1113983434 time i have posted this but im being relly serious. IM SO SICK OF SHIT PEOPLE. im sick of people that crap on about things on Facebook, or Myspace or even Bebo. HANG ON a second, Bebo? I hope people still dont have Bebo, unless youre like 5 or something. PLEASE CHILDREN STICK TO BEBO AND MYSPACE! FACEBOOK IS FOR PEOPLE WHO TYPE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON NOT LIKE:
OmG BbZZ ii LoVer YOUHH 4EVS. <3>

This isnt much of a post but i was just thinking cause like there are so many people that have facebook. This girl i know added me yesterday...and she it 10. i didnt even know that 10 year olds knew what the net was.