Dear Media and Society in general,
if you read this then you must have found out about one Lady GaGa. She is the fucking best person ever, and how dare you be so rude as to make fun of her. She is respectful of everyone, and i just cant stand how people just make such a big deal over something that is normal for some people. this is just making people who are like GaGa to become even more depressed about it. Just forget about it, i know that this wont happen for a while, but you have to know, this is the reason why celebrities don't tell their secrets, for one, there secrets, and two by seeing all this shit being blown out of proportion they feel more and more depressed and GAH! its just so annoying!
Look GaGa might be like Miley and have the best of both worlds but thats not really the point. well i'm re blogging this post as the other one stiffed up and my fans couldn't read it.
XX, Confesh.
P.S. Thanks for telling me my last post wasn't working Jamie :)
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