So ive had SOOOO much drama today!!!! People that i really haven't seen in like 2 years are back and out to get me...again. Like really they have nothing else better to do so they make me feel shit. I went through it for about 3 years and i dont need it again. There is this kid, he thinks he is pregnant sometimes, he acts like a stripper other times, his idol is britney spears and he thinks that he can get away with bullshit 5 Year old games. WHAT THE FUCK. I love how people change as well, like you were good before then you go and make your self so much better, by smoking and drinking. UNDERAGE DRINKING IS NOT GOOD. I love how they say to me, your fat and gay. Well you know what, im a hell of lot better then you will ever be! I love how people tell me to grow some balls, well i would tell you that but it might get in the way of your vagina. I love how they say ben you act innocent all the time, tell it to my face. I would but i dont go to your school anymore, and if i did you would go through a brick wall. Fucking hate how people always judge before they get to know someone, and how 1 experience make all the difference. FUCK THAT. you are who you are and someone who tells you other wise is a piece of shit.
So here is my final thoughts, you dont need to change for anyone, just be yourself, and i know you get annoyed when people say "ignore it" or "dont worry about it" i get pretty steamed as well. so just do what you think is right, cause in the end you are all that matters.
Thanks for your time bitches :)
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