Wednesday, November 25, 2009


From Jazzy:
Q. What r your thoughts on lady gaga having a penis?
A. now this is a hard one, i mean there are the rumors she does have one, but honestly i dont agree, i think that anyone who wears an outfit made of bubbles, kermit the frog, bleeds on stage AND used to be a stripper would say something like this. I mean i did believe her but after a while i saw the HATEFUL comments that they made about her and you know what i say to those haters? FUCK YOU! just because someone makes music and is out there does not mean that there is something wrong with them. Thats why she made Paparazzi to tell all the paparazzi that they are killing our stars! look at MJ! he was thrown around for like 10 years, i mean you must have something better to do. Go and bother Kanye West, he is a prick.

I love her to death and whatever she does or has i will support her no matter what.

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