Welcome to the new year, i have got my sights set on a good year. You wanna know my new years resolution? To become famous by the end of 2010. Thats it you guys, i want fame and money and groupies. Whether im going to be a TV star, or the Next Perez Hilton, i need your help. if your on twitter, tell your friends to follow me, and RT #askben or RT #confesh, i want to be a trendting topic and i want to be a famous person by the end of this year.
Also, im never drinking again, my head hurts, also also big shout out to Raknos, sorry i couldnt make it to your party, Confesh would have loved to be there but i had to say with the family, might organise a party but.
Night guys, have a great year. Happy New Year,
Love Confesh.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Had a MAJOR heart attack
My phone deleted everything....
But then everything came back on?
I was freaking cause I had some important shit on there, real post up
Xx confesh
But then everything came back on?
I was freaking cause I had some important shit on there, real post up
Xx confesh
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for all the support you have shown me, only a few days till 2010!
thanks for watching my videos, subscribing and reading and commenting my blogs, emailing me and replying and following me on twitter!
Happy Holidays,
Merry Christmas,
Happy Kwanzaa,
Happy Hanukah,
and Joyous Bobunk
People who watched Sabrina the Teenage Witch will get that last one,
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
you know its christmas when
your friend you care for doesnt talk to you for no reason, you hate listening to any type of christmas carol, you hate how the salvation army band come through your street and you get a headache thinking of how much money you have just spent in the last day.
Ok so the first ones not really to do with xmas but its what my blog is about today. I have this really good friend and when i say good i mean shit.
I went to a mates birthday party yesterday and she was there, i said hi and whatever, i was generally happy to see her as i missed her the last week of school. she gave me a cold shoulder, she never spoke to me and then started a fight with hayleys mates. she thinks she is king shit sometimes honestly, and another thing, i love how she always get pissed at me for letting people treat me like shit but shes playing the same game man.
I dont need this fucking bullshit. Im Confessionista bitches. im like 10000000 times better then anyone.
Fuck off Christmas and 2009, bring on new years and some fucking beer!
Ok so the first ones not really to do with xmas but its what my blog is about today. I have this really good friend and when i say good i mean shit.
I went to a mates birthday party yesterday and she was there, i said hi and whatever, i was generally happy to see her as i missed her the last week of school. she gave me a cold shoulder, she never spoke to me and then started a fight with hayleys mates. she thinks she is king shit sometimes honestly, and another thing, i love how she always get pissed at me for letting people treat me like shit but shes playing the same game man.
I dont need this fucking bullshit. Im Confessionista bitches. im like 10000000 times better then anyone.
Fuck off Christmas and 2009, bring on new years and some fucking beer!
Monday, December 21, 2009
New Favourite Crush #6
Fucking ask me a question you fucking bitches.
Oh and thanks to Sean, Raknos and Jazzy for asking questions.
What I think the top 10 should be
1. Michael Jackson died
2. Brittany Murphy Died
3. Lady GaGa
4. Twitter
5. Facebook
6. People freaking about 2012
7. Paranormal activity
8. Hiptop server crashed causing everyone to panic
9. Perez Hilton got punched in the face
10. Britney spears lipsynching
It's a rough copy but somethings are going to stay
X, confeshhhhhhhh
2. Brittany Murphy Died
3. Lady GaGa
4. Twitter
5. Facebook
6. People freaking about 2012
7. Paranormal activity
8. Hiptop server crashed causing everyone to panic
9. Perez Hilton got punched in the face
10. Britney spears lipsynching
It's a rough copy but somethings are going to stay
X, confeshhhhhhhh
Sunday, December 20, 2009
There she goes
another year is nearly OVER! we have like 10 days left until its over and we enter 2010!
So im going to be holding votes over Facebook and Twitter as to what you think the top 10 Moments/People that dominated 2009 are. Let me know by the 30th of December!
Get voting and let's see what happens!
X, Confesh
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas time is here, so why dont i feel in the holiday mood?
OK, so its like Christmas next friday? im so over it already. Like i really dont understand what the big deal is, once a year we all rush to the shops the day before Christmas, people bring all the kids, the prams and cart trollies around and old people just walk really slow infront of you and dont really do anything.
does this make sense now? cause hosnestly its pissing me off how people are so rude.
Anyway thats my Christmas shopping rant, and i actually have a point for this post i swear. I was actually supposed to make a video today, but its like 45 degrees and im just not really bothered. I was walking past Supre last week and i came across the new rangeof tops they are selling this holiday season. The only word that can sum up the tops is: SLUT.
NO JOKE! so there is 3 different tops i remember, one says
'Santa's Bitch', 'North Pole Stripper' and 'I've been very very bad ;)' Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on? Are girls that slutty that they make it as obvious as printing it on a tee? Like really get a life!? You guys might think that im a prude cause im saying this but really, im just a 17 year old guy that is respectable, i respect women, and i dont make them feel like they should be objects. And tot he parents that will let the girls and teens buy these, SHAME ON YOU! Christmas is a time of giving gifts, not giving head. There i said it. Suck it up !
Video post next week after the weather cools down.
Love y'all Lots.
Confesh, x
does this make sense now? cause hosnestly its pissing me off how people are so rude.
Anyway thats my Christmas shopping rant, and i actually have a point for this post i swear. I was actually supposed to make a video today, but its like 45 degrees and im just not really bothered. I was walking past Supre last week and i came across the new rangeof tops they are selling this holiday season. The only word that can sum up the tops is: SLUT.
NO JOKE! so there is 3 different tops i remember, one says
'Santa's Bitch', 'North Pole Stripper' and 'I've been very very bad ;)' Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on? Are girls that slutty that they make it as obvious as printing it on a tee? Like really get a life!? You guys might think that im a prude cause im saying this but really, im just a 17 year old guy that is respectable, i respect women, and i dont make them feel like they should be objects. And tot he parents that will let the girls and teens buy these, SHAME ON YOU! Christmas is a time of giving gifts, not giving head. There i said it. Suck it up !
Video post next week after the weather cools down.
Love y'all Lots.
Confesh, x
Monday, December 14, 2009
im back!
Ok, so you guys, its been like what...2 weeks since my last post? im so sorry, ive had school and work and i really didnt know what to write about. Im making a video on thursday cause i have nothing to do, then from there is posts weekly!
Thanks for following!
love Confesh!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Might as well just die
So i have just realised that i have no more time this week for facebook, twitter or blogging. i have missed so much homework and im going to do it now so i dont fail year 12!
New Video by end of the week, and keep your #askben questions coming!
Have a great week, and try not to melt!
X, Confesh
New Video by end of the week, and keep your #askben questions coming!
Have a great week, and try not to melt!
X, Confesh
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
From Jazzy:
Q. What r your thoughts on lady gaga having a penis?A. now this is a hard one, i mean there are the rumors she does have one, but honestly i dont agree, i think that anyone who wears an outfit made of bubbles, kermit the frog, bleeds on stage AND used to be a stripper would say something like this. I mean i did believe her but after a while i saw the HATEFUL comments that they made about her and you know what i say to those haters? FUCK YOU! just because someone makes music and is out there does not mean that there is something wrong with them. Thats why she made Paparazzi to tell all the paparazzi that they are killing our stars! look at MJ! he was thrown around for like 10 years, i mean you must have something better to do. Go and bother Kanye West, he is a prick.
I love her to death and whatever she does or has i will support her no matter what.
From Sean:
Q. How do you keep so... Individual and pumping fresh? Like, within trends and stuff.
A. i stalk people, i feel that people that are cooler then me are not possible so i stalk them down in Newtown and City area and when they are defenseless, i kill them and absorb the coolness.
Not really, i actually just read a lot of blogs and go to alot of gigs and just hang with people of the same coolness, like Tozer, Raknos, some guy called Sean and some chick called Emma Nicolls who looks like Natalie Tran from YOUTUBE. I read heaps of magazines and watch alot of "style tv" and my cousin has a big influence on me.
Hope that answers your #askben!
NEW VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So this is a new segment im doing called "Ask Ben"
YOU get to ask me questions and i will answer them, i will make a video of the best questions or maybe all of them, not sure yet :)
So email me and that and ask me questions, they will be coming to you in a few weeks, im gonna get some questions and upload. Hope you guys are all well and i will be coming back shortly!
youtube channel for my other videos are youtube.com/user/BnjmnWsley
:) thanks!
Monday, November 23, 2009
So im so sorry, this is actaully my 100th post, and the video is coming, so please dont be upset!
I uploaded it lastnight and it took aout 2 hours, then after all that waiting, YOUTUBE decided to tell me that it was the wrong format. So im going to remake the video and then put it up tonight, just casue i have more stuff to talk about. so be prepared as the video will cover the following topics
Jewish People, Australian Idol, Shoutouts, Birthday Messages and FACEBOOK!
So please be patient cause i had some people tell me off cause they were waiting for the video. Thanks for ALL your support and hope you guys have a good day!
Celebrating 100 posts,
Confesh. x
I uploaded it lastnight and it took aout 2 hours, then after all that waiting, YOUTUBE decided to tell me that it was the wrong format. So im going to remake the video and then put it up tonight, just casue i have more stuff to talk about. so be prepared as the video will cover the following topics
Jewish People, Australian Idol, Shoutouts, Birthday Messages and FACEBOOK!
So please be patient cause i had some people tell me off cause they were waiting for the video. Thanks for ALL your support and hope you guys have a good day!
Celebrating 100 posts,
Confesh. x
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Post 99
Video will be up tomorrow about todays adventures, car with no aircon, canberra, and AUSTRALIAN IDOL!
Also, Operator Please mentioned me in one of their BLOGS!!!
so thats exciting! STAY TUNED FOR MORE!
and follow me on twitter to see all my Idol ranting from tonight
OP blog url http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=42470861&blogId=510883530
Friday, November 20, 2009
Nearly there guys
Not long now till i leave for Canberra and im actually excited. The only thing is that i wont be blogging for like 2 days, unless i email my blogger account and let you guys know the deets!
So last night i got to thinking about certain people. Like what do we as normal people have to do to get accepted into the social ladders these days? Like i know there are some people who are pretty awesome and that they dont care about what people think, but there is people like me who are insecure and blogging is the only way for me to really express myself. People need to get over themselves and just shut up and like do something that does not involve tattoes or making fun of people cause they speak thier minds.
We live in a society where we cant even go to shopping centres without being mugged, or attacked or shot or whatever. No where is safe. I mean im not saying that these people will do it, but its people that think they RUN life.
Ahh im so sick of it, i really am.
email me if you want and tell me your thoughts,
So last night i got to thinking about certain people. Like what do we as normal people have to do to get accepted into the social ladders these days? Like i know there are some people who are pretty awesome and that they dont care about what people think, but there is people like me who are insecure and blogging is the only way for me to really express myself. People need to get over themselves and just shut up and like do something that does not involve tattoes or making fun of people cause they speak thier minds.
We live in a society where we cant even go to shopping centres without being mugged, or attacked or shot or whatever. No where is safe. I mean im not saying that these people will do it, but its people that think they RUN life.
Ahh im so sick of it, i really am.
email me if you want and tell me your thoughts,
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Post 97 and im pissed.
SERIOUSLY! what is with everyone today? and not just today, this whole fucking week?! im so sick of bitchy people and hot weather and i think i might just explode. not even joking. One of my good friends has been told something and was asked to stop blogging, seriously its called freedom of speech, fuck what people say, there are some people at school that will "rule" it until the end of year 12. I say really guys that are ruling the school, GET OVER YOURSELF AND JUST BE NORMAL! god dammit! im so pissed at the moment. I went through the same thing, i drew comics about things at school and got it ripped up and everything and i nearly got suspended. FUCK school systems and all the teachers and what ever.
Hi, so this is my 95th post on my blog and im not sure how i have come up with 94 other topics or really things to talk about. I know i tend to stray away from the topic, or even like repeat myself, but like i always say, IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO LEARN!
O.K. so this week there has been MUCH talk about one of my friend's blogs. He was voicing an opinion which i thought was good for a young teenager to do? anyway, when i heard of this from some people i was like, well i agree with him on some level or another but like people please just get over it. i mean we do have a thing called freedom of speech and if you ask me, this friend of mine is pretty intelligent and most of what he says he has things to back it up. So to you my friend i say AGREED.
Also this week i joined back to Facebook, i know i know i gave in to it but my friend caved first so i won the bet. I signed back into my account and really i haven't missed anything. Facebook is DEAD is falling to the same fate as Myspace, its getting taken over by people who think that tYPiiiNG lyK Diz is cool and that putting a word after their name like 'Brittany Babyee" ITS NOT COOL! you need to go back to that thing you youngens call BEBO and MYSPACE and leave Facebook alone. I know i sound silly by saying for people to get off but really i dont want my home page flooding up with all that crap like
Jayden Lucas goin 2 da beachh wiff ma gurlz. ft. mah gurl lisahhh
or even
Miss Mishhh ft. leanne in mafs, fuKK da teacha is gaYYY!!
Its annoying yeah? Seriously, lol anyway this wasn't much of a blog but hey, its better then nothing right?
ALSO leave me a comment or tweet me with suggestions on what i should do for my 100th video AND what i should but on my Year 12 Jersey! im up for ANYTHING! so let me know! love y'all!
Totez dedicated to Tozer, write whatever you want man, fuck certain people.!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Ive been such an idiot
Sorry it has been a while since i have blogged, i feel like i have left my child in the hot car while im in the pokies room gambling her nappy money. Any-who, this week has been, well its not over yet but it feels like fucking friday and its not even wednesday.
I deleted my Facebook, partly for a bet with my friend and partly cause im sick of wasting my life telling people what im doing, well maybe im contradicting myself? i mean i do have twitter, well i just think people have just gone to new levels of annoyance and low with facebook, its like you either tell people that your happy or sad. most of my updates were depressive cause my mind is telling me the world is against me when its not. PLEASE DONT SAY TO ME THE WORLD IS MY OYSTER! that saying doesn't even make sense.
Most of my so called 370 "friends" on facebook complained about my updates saying that im updating it too much! WELL EXCUSE ME MR FUCKING FACEBOOK POLICE!
ME: so office what seems to be the problem?
OFFICER: too many facebook updates in one day, your did about 48 today son
ME: oh shit, well you know im a busy person, i like telling people what im doing
OFFICER: that what twitter is for you idiot
ME: oh.........well i have that too.....
thats what i feel like y'all, and BTW im typing 'y'all' so much now, like i think i need to stop watching Shane Dawson's Miley and Mandy vids and do some homework.
Notice how my blogs are always off topic?
Anyway, since when was it not ok to update your status? like isn't that what its for? get over yourself and just delete me,. i would rather have people enjoy my FB updates then people whining ALL THE FUCKING TIME! jesus.
Also i bought Lady GaGa's new album.
p.s. i hope i edited all the spelling mistakes...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What a WEEK!
GUYS! its only like thursday, hello?! this week has gone SO SLOW! I feel as if i have just repeated the same day for like 3 years!
My week so far;
Hot weather, bored, tired and went for a swim.
My birthday, Thai food for lunch, presents, overall GREAT day
Boring, boring, boring, boring
Got Baywatch on DVD and Gossip girl on DVD and i got pushed over by a group of fuck head bogans who are in year 10, thinking they can just fucking tread on me, fuck you.
I honestly cant stand that group of typical guys who are like all assholes together and say shit and are influenced by each-others opinions and in fact they wait for the "Leader" to give his opinion before they respond, and then when their all by themselves there really nice. This is called ' Confessionista's Theory of the Dominant Male's Mind'
See when their not together their ok, but lets say there is one of 3 of them instead of the full 7 or 8 guys, then really you could say that the 3 guys could be nice but if the "LEAD" male is there then it cancels out, see i dont even like maths and im doing it now....this doesn't make sense but you can understand what im saying yeah?
Comments? Thoughts?
also its not even friday.
My other theme was shit, you couldnt comment and i was pissed off.
So im simple, my blog look nice so STFU!
Very classy Ben, Very classy, New video up soon
Monday, November 9, 2009
Have a look! See what you like!
Hope you like it, it doesn't really work much at the moment but its my birthday and im really CBF doing it, i have presents to open!
updating my blog, will be up and looking HOT in about 20 minutes....as soon as i figure out the HTML codes.
New Favourite Crush #5
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I have this friend
That is just like me, well no JUST like me but the kinda same characteristics, he is a really nice guy. I just feel for him at the moment because IGNORANT people that have nothing better to do then to make him feel like shit, well make him feel like shit.
i know i may be repeating myself but honestly its the ONLY way to get through to these ASSHOLES!
SO WHAT! if your gay
SO WHAT! if your lesbian
SO WHAT! if your black
SO WHAT! if your white
SO WHAT! if your a nerd
SO WHAT! if your just different
WE NEED TO GIVE EVERYONE A GO and get rid of the fuckers, honestly we would live in such a nicer place if people weren't losers ALL THE TIME!
speaking from experience i know what he feels like.
Yours Sincerely,
Just letting ALLLLLLLL my followers
That tomorrow is MY BIRTHDAY! you probz knew that cause i go on about it like im on crack hahah
Thanks for making my blogging better! TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS!
If you guys
have an iPhone and LOVE twitter like i do, then you should download a new Twitter App, it was creaated by my cousin and its called iTweet Reply, its got heaps of features and im sure ANY twitter fan would be crazy NOT to get it!
Go To: http://syncode.com.au/ to download!
Thanks you guys!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Why is it?
That we have people in our world with no Manners, no Class, no Morals, no Ethics?
Why cant people act their own age, dress nice, talk proper and by proper i don't mean uptight british accents. I mean like "Please" "Thank-you" "how are you?" you know just nice people, i wish people were more approachable and not so ignorant in the way that people cant be gay without being teased, or people cant be lesbian without being shat upon (not literally) and people who are just different, whether it be Race, Gender, Religion and all that. People need to GROW THE FUCK UP!
Girls who are like 12 and 13 need to ACT THEIR AGE! they need to stop being sluts and hoes, dress normal, talk normal tYpE noRRmaLL not like that and just be nice, presentable, sweet and well mannered girls, i think we should make a show like ladette to lady but make it like 12 and 13 year old girls from public schools and lock them in a room with nerds....maybe it would be like an idea my friend Sean had, Ladette to Lady meets Beauty and the Geek!
Props to Sean and Olive who completed the HSC! good job you guys!
Love y'all. X
i feel like i want to go into my room, sit on the floor in the corner, put a pillow on my face and scream till my throat bleeds. Wow what an opener. i mean if you look at it, i know you all don't say it but its true, people do feel like this sometimes, and im probably the only person that has blogged about it. ha!
Thanks for a great weekend by the way everyone who came to AMF this weekend and complained at me and yelled at me. You made my fucking life! I mean if you want to complain about how i make coffee then why don't you come behind this fucking counter and do it yourself.....NO? well t hen go back, sit down and wait for your coffee. But seriously this has been my weekend, whiny, bitchy customers, i cant stand it sometimes.
don't even get me stated, i have like a TONNE of stuffs to do but i really could NOT be bothered, i just want to relax. And another thing, i might drop Ext. History, Over Heordotus, Over JFK, Over the word 'Historiography" OVER OVER OVER! I want to focus on my main 3 subjects that i love, Art, Photo and Hospitality.
I dont know you guys, Email me and let me know what you think!
youre on my radar
Now im sorry for my email subscribers, this post my just in fact wake you up! So sorry, but its totally worth it! Ok so i haven't been posting in a while and i know i suck, like i mean you wait for me to make new shit.....right? well anyway this week has been the most boring of my life, like i have felt like my brain was going to seep out of my fucking ears! like come-on God, cant you cut me some slack and make something happen? Then i realised, its my birthday on tuesday! The 10th to be exact and i just cant wait, i know its like one day but it will mean that people give me gifts and that :) LOVES IT!
I have been doing...ok at school i guess, im dropping maths THANK JESUS! and i picked up Extension History and im actually regretting it, like i feel like i can be smarter but i feel like every time i walk into the class, "omg im the dumbest person here" maybe i should be more upbeat?
SPEAKING OF BEING UPBEAT i have had so many complaints to me about my Facebook Status updates? like HELLO GTFOver it! like i mean i know i can crap on a bit, but thats what this blog and my twitter are for ASWELL as Facebook. so FUCK OFF everyone who complains, like i mean just find something else to do besides pick at me..
anyway its late and i have work in the morning, thanks you guys!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
im getting tired of people bitching to me when i have virtually done NOTHING! Hello if you say to me "your updates on facebook are depressing blah blah blah" i will delete you. No fucking joke. seriously suck it up or GTFO.
I actually deleted like 7 people on my Facebook account last night cause they were winging to me. HELLO!!!! LAST TIME I CHECKED THE FACEBOOK THING SAYS "whats on your mind" so i generally tell people whats on my mind. You know what the people who complain can go suck a fuck.
!!! Confesh, X
Friday, October 30, 2009
This week was interesting and im sorry i promised to blog once every day but i failed.....epic-ly.
So this week is over and im so fucking glad!
I had a bit of a fight with some friends and just over bullshit and shit people. And i think i have realised something
I am a shit taker, not a shit giver. Meaning that i can take everyones shit more then i can give shit to people. SADFACE! anyway im planning out tomorrow and im so excited to see the new MJ Movie :). Ummmmmm AND I GOT A TICKET TO BIGDAYOUT 2010!
This is not really a big blog. and im such a FAG that i didnt write anymore but you all love me!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
You know sometimes i wish that i was older, smarter, skinnier, hotter and not so femme.
I know i might be over-reacting but i can just feel that i dont belong sometimes.
I know all my fans love me!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
There will be no sadness
I TiVo-ed "Aussie Ladette to Lady"
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, no wonder no one like aussie women. Im ashamed.
Intrested in a photoshoot? im doing some works for my year 12 Art photos and i would love all the help i can get :D
Let me know, benjahmin.grey@hiptop.com.au
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Im Commited...i swear...
So i have this new idea that i will start to write just like 1 or 2 posts a day, just to keep all the fans up to date with the life of Confesh! You guys are so lucky!
I was asked today if i was going to make some videos, well i am but not now, maybe tonight? like i want to so badly but i just haven't got anything to say.....well i always have something to say i just get embarrassed cause i sound like a fat 11 year old girl. so yea i will make a video but like soon :)
Thanks for reading my posts and i really hope you tell all your friends!
Big shout outs to:
Jazzy, Daniel Gee, Amandah, Jamie and Rose!
Love you with all my heart! MEAN IT TOO!
xoxo, Confeshhhhhh
So im actually fucking annoyed.
I know this person, lets call them "chair".
Chair was all cosey with me before the holidays then I thought all this
was so good and we were cool again, but now back at school chair is
pretending I don't exist. FUCK SAKE! Seriously if you don't want to be
friends then spare me the trouble and tell me insted of pretending I
don't exist.
Chair was all cosey with me before the holidays then I thought all this
was so good and we were cool again, but now back at school chair is
pretending I don't exist. FUCK SAKE! Seriously if you don't want to be
friends then spare me the trouble and tell me insted of pretending I
don't exist.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Weekend Mixtape #6
Nothing new has been happening to me lately, I feel fat and fugly and like i just want to scream really loud and just die. Maybe i should call someone?
I realised that my new idol is Poppy from Wild Child. She is FUCKING FIERCE. Also i want to be british and have a romance like on Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, so beautiful....maybe its cause i would marry anything with a British accent? Also my hands are really dry.
ANYWAY! here is my old favs that i found in my iTunes library.
1. Silly Crimes - TTA
2. Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa - Vampire Weekend
4. Chick Habbit - April March
School is tomorrow, and yes during the holidays, i gained weight, got a promotion, went to a gig and saw 3 movies. Great, cant wait to go back to those people, just what i need. More shit people to deal with. But on a plus side, i am in Year 12 this year, so that means RULE THE SCHOOL
Sunday, October 11, 2009
So if you have a Hiptop then im guessing you know, HIPTOP IS DEAD! all services from Danger have just gone! that means we lose out contacts and calanders and everything on out phones!!
Just remember DONT TURN OFF YOUR POWER on your hiptop or restart it cause you might lose everything. Dont be like me and reset it and just lose everything. FML
More to come guys
xx, Confesh.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Top 5 DVDs For This Week
1# Clueless
2#Never Been Kissed
3# Strangers With Candy
4# Confessions Of A Shopaholic
5# Friends: Season 5
New Favourite Crush #4
Weekend Mixtape #5 Hip-Hop QUEENS
So its sunday but WHO THE FUCK CARES, here are some sings that personally make me want to A) become a rapper and B) Get my hurr did!
Pop The Glock - Uffie
Big Momma Thang - Lil' Kim
Bossy - Kelis Feat. Too $hort
The Jump Off - Lil' Kim
Rhythm Nation - Janet Jackson
Trick Me - Kelis
Hot Chick - Uffie
Take Care, Kelis i mean Confesh
You guys it's been toooo long! im so sorry i havent been blogging like i promised but i have a good reason! I have been working and busy watching Little Britain :) And if you follow me on twitter you would see what i haven been upto.
First of all i will be creating a new part of Confessionista which entails me and my sister spotting fashion victims in different places and then blkogging about it! Also me and my friend Miec will be creating som videos, he will be directing and editing the videos for me, which is REALLY EXCITING!
Umm there is something else i have to say...OH YEA IM ON THE INTERNET! im famous you guys! ok so i went to Lisa Mitchell the other week and s he was AMAAAAAZING! there are like 2 pics of me on the website FasterLouder.com.au
Here are the Links
ANYWAY i have to go to work now, but when i get home i will be blogging :)
love you!
X, Confesh!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Im in the mood for some Confesh-ing!
For some reason i feel like converting and becoming a Jew, mostly for the Matzo Balls, and the witty Jewish words to say to people. Have i spent too much time watching the Nanny? Come to think of it i haven't actually watched it in about 2 months............. So where is this sudden urge to grow sideburns and curl them coming from?
On a lighter note, i saw Lisa Mitchell last-night, and as im writing this my family is playing Whitney's "i wanna dance with somebody" at about 1000 decibels, anyway the gig was insanly mellow! I never broke a sweat and i cried when she sung like 2 of my favorite songs. So if by some chance Lisa reads this? Well i love you and you did great. And ive been talking to my friends from some band you might know, and we have come to an agreement that 1) we both love Prince, except she loves him way more and 2) Invisible Mom 2 is the best movie ever made by a Z-Grade film company, seriously you guys the cover has like 3 names on it and those people aren't even in the movie.... why?
Anyway, hope your having a good night.....i am. If you want to go on msn and webcam with me? add me! justjoshing_haha@hotmail.com
Love you all :) x

Its the holidays, im sitting at home, watching Sabrina the Teenage witch, and before that i was watching a movie called 'Invisible Mom 2'.
I officially have no life. and another thing, Dear Operator Please, the DVD will come to you when you have a sydney gig. So yeah, you will LOVE it hahahahaha.
Thanks for reading you guys, i appreciate it.
x, Confesh.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Weekend Mixtape #4 TGIF!
Its the weekend! FINALLY!
Here are some songs that you should play really loud!
Rich Girls - The Virgins
Beatific - Glass Candy
Sweaty - Muscles
Happy TGIF "_"
I still don't get
How people like me come to school with things that look slightly girly and i get teased, but then the more popular guys come to school and wear headbands and pretend to be gay and no one says shit. Well excuse me, that pretty fucked up.
I have exams all next week, but don't fret guys i will blog in the holidays and any chance this week i get. Love you all!
xx Confesh.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
New Favourite Crush #3 WHO'S THAT GIRL?!
Monday, September 21, 2009
There tall, dark haired, singers, song writers and they know Miley Cyrus.
What more do you want?
P.S. if you follow me on twitter you will get this.
Don't you guys just hate it
When you havent seen someone in such a long time, that when you do see them its like the most fucking AWKWARD thing in the world? Like i mean its not just for people that you are friends with, its also people that you hate and cant stand. Like today, i was at Maccas in Bass Hill with a good friend of mine, we walked in ordered, ate then these people from my other school turned up, and like they think there all coy by walking straight past me and like have a smerk and not even bother to say anything, not that i care anyway! BUT then after they order they sit down like inside away from us, but they sit at an angle wher i looke straight at them! Don't you just hate jhow that happens? Maybe its just me but oh well.
I will think of better shit for my blog, im going through exams at the moment so just wait a bit then you will see!
Weekend Mixtape #3 Bertie Blackman Edition
With my mixtapes that i make for this blog, it like illegal or something for me to put the songs online and i cant cause there is no URL thing so just find them yourself, Limewire, Elbows Music Blog, Big Stereo or even Myspace the music and just download them.
Here is a fresh Batch :)
All can be found on Bertie's new album "Secrets and Lies" Out now.
Probably one of the best new Indie Albums of 2009, she is amazing. Sadly enough it has taken Australian Radio and Television 6 years to relise that she exists.
Goon on you guys!
Thump - Bertie Blackman
Heart - Bertie Blackman
Shout out - Bertie Blackman
Baby Teeth - Bertie Blackman
Saturday, September 12, 2009

I logged on to my mysapce, searched Cassette Kids and there it was, my picture as there display picture!
Click on the link to see it !
Friday, September 11, 2009
Weekend Mixtape #2
New Favourite Crush #2
Best Day Ever.
GOT MY GAGA TICKETS, happy happy happy :)
Anyway, dont let the title fool you, i actually had kind of a shit day. Little kids making fun of me, teachers yelling and just shit people in general. Like i understand you have a problem, but you dont have to take down everyone with you! Im lining up to go to class, and this little year 7 mother fucker stands behind me with his friends, and hits my back, tries to call my name and then throws a football at my head. Im just ignoring it cause really, there just shit heads. BUT NO I GOT ALL FIERCE! but really, this time i had enough and i decided to yell at him. I didn't want to hit him cause he is in year 7 and im in year 11 and i would have gotten sued, so i said to him "CAN YOU FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE?!" HIS response was "HAHAH YOURE A FAG". you know what, so what if im gay? so what if im fat and different. Im so sick of people that decide to be just shit heads and intolerant towards others. Im really fed up!
by wednesday i thought it was friday, and i thought the same on thursday! But finally its Friday! NO MORE SHIT PEOPLE! for another weekend.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
New Favourite Crush #1
Times are changing.
i think its really great when you know someone, they kinda dont talk to you at all and like sometimes say stuff about you or tease you, that when your together and you have to do things with that person, with noneof there shit friends around you really notice how some people are really nice people. I think its good that SOMEONE is finally learning that i am i nice person if you talk to me.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
From Confesh Photography 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
I have some competiton
One of my loverly friends Rach has made a blog, dedicated to the one and only CONFESH!
:) love you Rach :)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
New Confesh

Maybe its just me but you guys seem to like it, i just feel that im being a bit negative in my writing :(
SO, i will be doing other stuff aswell in my blogs, but dont worry! the same old Negative-ista will be here always!
I Love you guys and thanks so much for reading my stuff, dont forget to tell your friends!
Weekend Mixtape #1
Another day, Another shit person to deal with.

Lets get one thing straight. My Name is BEN, NOT FAGBOY, NOT QUEER, NOT FAG, NOT GAY. IT IS BEN. B-E-N. I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to spell it and pronounce it for that matter. So i guess this explains the title of this post? Well, im really pissed at how i am in YEAR 11. I am 17 Years old and yet shit fucking people in the years below have the nerve to say shit about me. i DONT KNOW YOU, I DONT WANT TO KNOW YOU AND IM PRETTY SURE IF YOU HANG OUTSIDE THE LIBRARY NO ONE WANTS TO KNOW YOU EITHER.
I juts cant stand how some people in this world think its ok to be cunts and get away with it. Sometimes i go and see a friend of mine in the playground, and all these boys walk past me and him and call us fags and shit. Being gay is not a bad thing. I cant stree that enough. i just cant stand how people can be so intolerant towards others.
Sorry for all the Negativity, well this is what the blog is all about hey?
xx Confesh
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Big thanks you to everyone who is following me on Twitter :) Im so happy you all love my blog!
if you read this and you havent followed me on twitter then ADD ME !!
or email me :)
xx Confesh
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Here i am,
So ive had SOOOO much drama today!!!! People that i really haven't seen in like 2 years are back and out to get me...again. Like really they have nothing else better to do so they make me feel shit. I went through it for about 3 years and i dont need it again. There is this kid, he thinks he is pregnant sometimes, he acts like a stripper other times, his idol is britney spears and he thinks that he can get away with bullshit 5 Year old games. WHAT THE FUCK. I love how people change as well, like you were good before then you go and make your self so much better, by smoking and drinking. UNDERAGE DRINKING IS NOT GOOD. I love how they say to me, your fat and gay. Well you know what, im a hell of lot better then you will ever be! I love how people tell me to grow some balls, well i would tell you that but it might get in the way of your vagina. I love how they say ben you act innocent all the time, tell it to my face. I would but i dont go to your school anymore, and if i did you would go through a brick wall. Fucking hate how people always judge before they get to know someone, and how 1 experience make all the difference. FUCK THAT. you are who you are and someone who tells you other wise is a piece of shit.
So here is my final thoughts, you dont need to change for anyone, just be yourself, and i know you get annoyed when people say "ignore it" or "dont worry about it" i get pretty steamed as well. so just do what you think is right, cause in the end you are all that matters.
Thanks for your time bitches :)
Monday, August 31, 2009
And I Was Like,
Why you so obsessed with me?
Ok, that was weird. Im going through a POP MUSIC phase in my life, but have no fear guys i will get over it soon enough, and if i dont then well welcome to the new me!
Last night at my work i had a very....i dont really know the word....interesting experience? I was working hard like i always am, i had a guy come up to me. Tall, Blonde and he had a smart arse look on his face. He talked to me, asked how i was but then it clicked that he was making fun of me. There was a guy there that i knew and he is sooooo annoying, like no joke he was horrible at school. So anyway it clicked that he was sent by this person to make me look like shit. i mean i know im attractive, but seriously im sick of fucking shit people that come to my work, see me and talk about me behind my back. Some talk so loud that i can even hear them! Either learn how to whisper or get the fuck out.
Im seriously bored at the moment. Some one should email me :)
xx Confesh.
Ugly Word Of The Day,
I watched a show and that word came up. Made me wanna gag.
:) That word was totally my idea!
X, Confesh!
Attractive Word Of The Day,
Mysterious, yet sophisticated.
Thanks to Daniel for this one :)
X, ConfesH!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Who the hell do you think you are?
I walk around at school with high hopes of being well respected and admired by my peers. Well this will never happen, aside from the fact that my friends and some teachers respect me, im sick and tired of fucking assholes, who by the way are like 5 times younger then me treating me like shit and intimidating me. I know i shouldt be scared but really they just annoy the fuck out of me! they come up to me, tease me about wearing skinny leg jeans and sporting a Country Road bag. Lets get one thing straight before we continue. MANY GUYS USE THESE BAGS, THEY ARE EXPENSIVE AND THEY LOOK GOOD. So just because of this i get labelled gay? Talk about a homophobic society, if i cant wear what i want or even use a unisex bag at school without being called gay, then something musnt be taught at home. So to society i say FUCK YOU for generating a world where kids are more focused on the way there body looks instead of there family, or even school. A society where we rely on technology more then the love of our friends and family. I can only blame TV and those other things for this. now i know everyone will read this and be like, YOU USE TECHNOLOGY ALL THE TIME, well that is true, i spend moretime on Facebook then my homework and today i actually cried cause my Strawberries dies on FarmVille. But i actually communicate with people, i use my brain and i do things i enjoy! i just hate how in this day and age we have people doing the right things or doing what they want to do (i think its called freedom of speech of a reason) and getting shut down for it! its wrong and you would think i would be stopped but no.
SO in conclusion i think that we should respect our elders and just be happy.
thanks bitches,
night :)
xx Confesh.
SO in conclusion i think that we should respect our elders and just be happy.
thanks bitches,
night :)
xx Confesh.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Just A Quick One
Make sure you all Email me if you want to be signed up to the mailing list and email me and tell me your thoughts about me, here is an email i got earlier today:
From: DGee01
Subject: Hey Confesh;
Body: Hey Confesh, i think you could be the Aussie Perez Hilton :)
you stuff is great and i love it :)
From DGee01
Thank DGee01 i try my hardest!
XX Confesh.
I know i was bragging about how its annoying, but hey it is a nice word.
Any suggestions? Email me :)
Now i know that we ALL know the word Glamour. We all use it when we think of like, Next Top Model and Fashion in general, but would you ever think to use it as describing a girl?
Well unfortunatly there are some types of guys that do do that. And along with that comes the girls who allow this to happen? ARE YOU CRAZY?! if someone came up to me (if i was a girl) and said the me "Your sucha GLAMOUR!!" i would be like, "LEARN SOME PROPER FUCKING ENGLISH!" which is true, last time i checked Glamour is not a describing word. infact you should only use it if your name is Fergie, or Tyra Banks. It just annoys me that there are types of people who talk like this, uneducated and not only that but there talking down to women in general which cant be good for anyone!
So in conclusion i hope that anyone who reads this and then goes out in the world and witnesses a GLAMOUR ATTACK then you should go up to them and tell them or rather teach them the proper english. This is my last words to shit people of today: FUCK YOU AND EAT SHIT.
LOVE YOU! Mean it!
xx Confesh.
Recent Events,
Its official! Confesh is a big hit at my school!
thanks to all my followers :) and i will be making a Twitter account for my Confesh blogs so you can keep up to date with it all!
there is a Facebook page that you guys should add as well, but its only for the stupid people who don't have Twitter :)
ALSO! i will be making a few more videos, as i know a few people loved my first and only video entitled "BASS HILL SUBWAY FAIL" so stay tuned for that one comin at ya!
ALSO ALSO ! me and my friend Jazzy will be making some videos called "Big Bilou, Little Jamal", its all about the things that happen with certain types of guys that are really annoying! so i hope you all love it!
Thanks guys! I LOVE YOU ALL! xx
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